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Have you wondered how Sadhguru became enlightened? Here he tells the story in his own words of this momentous event and what is was like for him. 

How does it feel to be enlightened?

What changed for Sadhguru at the moment of his enlightenment and how can we learn from his experience? He describes the beauty and ecstasy as well as the confusion and skepticism of what he was feeling. Even his physical appearance changed. He explains how every person deserves and is capable of the same. 

Enlightenment Quotes

“Enlightenment is not about Light, but about a Vision that is beyond Light and Darkness.” – Sadhguru

“The seed of enlightenment is there in every being. Enlightenment is just a realization.” – Sadhguru

“Do not think about enlightenment – look at your limitations and how to go beyond them. That’s the way to progress.” – Sadhguru

Sadhguru: One afternoon, I rode up Chamundi Hill in Mysore city and went to a particular rock – a huge rock which was my usual place – and sat there with my eyes open. After a few minutes, I didn’t know where I was. Till that moment, like most people, I always thought this is me and that is someone else. But for the first time I did not know what is me and what is not me. What was me was spread all over the place. I thought this madness lasted for 5 to 10 minutes but when I came back to my normal way of being, four-and-a-half hours had passed. I was sitting right there, fully conscious, eyes open. I sat there at around 3:00 in the afternoon. It was 7:30 in the evening when I came out of it. For the first time in my adult life, tears were flowing to a point where my shirt was completely wet. I was someone who had never allowed a single teardrop to come out of my eyes. But now suddenly, tears were flowing to a point where my shirt became wet.

I had always been happy, that was never an issue for me. I was successful with what I was doing. I was young and had no problems, but now I was bursting with another kind of ecstasy which was indescribable. Every cell in my body was just bursting with ecstasy. I had no words. When I shook my head and tried to ask my skeptical mind, “What’s happening to me,” the only thing that my mind could tell me was, “Maybe you are going off your rocker.” I didn’t care what it was but I didn’t want to lose it because this was the most beautiful thing that I had ever touched. I had never imagined that a human being could ever feel like this within himself.

The next time this happened was very significant because there were people around me. I was sitting with my family at the dinner table. I actually thought 2 minutes had passed but actually seven hours had gone by. I was sitting right there fully alert but I had no sense of time. This happened many times. Once, this experience happened for 13 days. In about six week’s time, it became like a living reality and everything about me changed in those six weeks. My voice changed, the shape of my eyes changed. If you see photos of me during that time, you can clearly see something changed dramatically in the body. I knew I had to do something, but I didn’t know what. All I knew was the blissfulness that was simply bursting within me; and I knew it could happen in every human being. Every human being has the same inner ingredient. This is possible for every human being.

It is my wish and my blessing this must happen to you. Whether you climb Mount Everest or not, whether you become the richest man on this planet or not, your experience of life on this planet should be pleasant. You must live blissfully and go. This much should happen to every human being. Everyone deserves it and everyone is capable of it.

Enlightenment Videos

Sadhguru’s Enlightenment – In His Own Words

Sadhguru tells the story of this own enlightenment.

The Simplest Way to Enlightenment

Sadhguru brings lofty ideas of enlightenment down to earth. Based on where you are right now, he points out a surprisingly simple method that, if relentlessly applied, can lead you straight to enlightenment.


How Do I Know If I Am Enlightened?

Sadhguru answers a confused seeker’s question on how one can recognize whether one is enlightened or not. Sadhguru explains that enlightenment is not something that you do, it is something that blossoms when one’s mind, body, emotion and energy are cultivated to their peak potential.

Tools of Enlightenment

Inner Engineering will empower you to reach your spiritual enlightenment. It is an opportunity to engineer an inner transformation that deepens your perception, bringing about a dimensional shift in the very way you look at your life, your work, and the world that you inhabit. It is offered as a program for personal growth and establishes the possibility of exploring the higher dimensions of life, in addition to optimizing health and success. Learn a powerful 21-minute meditation called Shambhavi MahaMudra Kriya. Inner Engineering is offered in person with Sadhguru along with teacher-led programs across US and Canada. Click here to learn more. 

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment, Videos, Yoga and Meditation

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