
It’s Monday morning and your alarm goes off. For most of us, that alarm signals the beginning of another week of work or school. We hit the snooze button and try to gather the energy to drag ourselves out of bed. The weight of the week is upon us and we are already dreaming about Friday. But how many times have we woken up early by chance on a Saturday morning and said, “Oh! It’s Saturday!” and we are completely happy to jump out of the bed and start enjoying the day. Most of us probably understand that this distinction of Saturday versus Wednesday should not be determining whether we wake up pleasant. Every day we have an opportunity to wake up and feel happiness within us to enjoy another day, full of life and spirit and surprises. But what if find ourselves in challenging circumstances in our life – say, we are in a hard family situation, or we are looking for a job, or we are going through a separation or loss of someone we love?  We have a tendency to think, “I will be happy when I am on vacation.” How do we find lasting happiness under these circumstances?

In this video Sadhguru guides us on how to be happy without being in pursuit of what we desire.

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment

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