
After reaching a certain level of success and security, people often wonder, what’s next? What is the meaning or purpose of life? People who live day-to-day or those who are hungry don’t seem to ask these questions. So somewhere, the understanding is there within every person that there is more to life than the typical rudimentary things.

If you look at every other creature on the planet, the moment their survival is takes care of, their problems are over. Survival is their only problem. However, for humanity, once survival is taken care of, are their problems done? For most people, survival is taken care of, they want something more. More money, more food, more drinks, more pleasures, or whatever it is, people want more. People are looking at many of these things for a sense of fulfillment.

After a while, many people gain an understanding that life is beyond them. When existence is so large, how can we become significant? Nobody wants to feel that he/she is insignificant. Nothing they have done or accumulated has given them a sense of fulfillment. So people wonder, “what is the purpose of my life?” Let’s hear what Sadhguru, a realized yogi, has to say about the purpose of life.

Sadhguru: “The birds are busy gathering their food. Their food is trying to escape and live its life. And the cockroaches are busy, or maybe they were busy in the night and now they are resting. Everyone is conducting their life. You are sitting here and thinking, “what is the purpose of life?” Where did you get this problem?

You got this problem because a certain level of intellect was given to you. Now you have this problem of thinking you are too important on the planet. Human beings are so full of themselves that they think there must be some God-given purpose, a special purpose for them – that too, for each one of them. They are all working at cross purposes and they thing they are doing God-given duties.

All those people who believe they are doing God’s work, I hope God takes them and gives them some work there, not here. I have been telling him, “Please don’t send your soldiers here, keep them there. Why do you send them here? We don’t need protection, we are okay as long as it is on. When it is time to die, we will die. If you are so concerned about your security, keep them there.” But he keeps sending them here! Conquest, you know, same old problem – imperialism. If God has to send his soldiers to Earth, he is trying to colonize the planet Earth. Not successful, but trying. If you are successful in colonizing a place, you can withdraw the soldiers. If you are not able to withdraw the soldiers it means it has not been successful.”

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment
  1. Ronald Waldron Reply
    May God have mercy upon you.
  2. V S Bhatnagar Reply
    Am still unsure about the purpose of present life...
  3. Manju Hariharan Reply
    OMG! I understand him!
  4. https://www.essaywritingboo.com/ Reply
    This was a good explanation, but I believe we are all created for a purpose. Every single living thing on earth has its purpose. We, as human beings have significant purpose that we will not yet know until we follow the only one who knows what it is. We feel anxious and afraid of what the future brings us. Is this life just eating, sleeping, working, routinary? I believe it is not. There is always a bigger future for everyone. I guess, we just have to follow him and listen to him to achieve it.

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