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You Can Know Life Only Now

Today when I was sitting in the Sanmeema Hall in the morning, there were some things that we had to attend to and I was just about to write a note to someone saying, “Tomorrow, what to do.” I wrote one word, tomorrow. This word, tomorrow, hit me so hard, so I wrote a small poem instead of a note, not to that person, but to you. This poem is called “Tomorrow.”

A day that never came

but has managed to spoil every game.

A day that never came

but has managed to spoil every game.

One day that takes all the blame,

the basis of all fear and shame,

cripples the blossoming of the life’s flame.

A spoiler that makes life a dream

traps the limitless in a limited scene.

One day that takes all the blame,

the basis of all fear and shame,

cripples the blossoming of life’s flame.

A spoiler that makes life a dream

traps the limitless in a limited scene.

A day that never comes

but the world, it rules.

A day that never comes,

but the world it rules.

Tomorrow never happened to anybody. The idea of tomorrow has robbed people, a huge mass of people of their life. Just the idea. Nobody ever touched a tomorrow in their life. Nobody ever experienced one. Nobody ever saw one, but just the idea completely robs people of everything that could be life. What should we do for tomorrow’s Darshan?

Ah, tomorrow when I come to Darshan, I’ll bring an umbrella. Yeah. Darshan means to behold. You can only behold now. You can never behold tomorrow. Not because it’s out of reach, because it doesn’t exist. You can only imagine tomorrow. You will never behold tomorrow, never ever. Still, for most human beings it is this idea, an idea whose time will never come. It is that idea which drives most people’s lives unfortunately.

Even if you drive your life with an idea, even if you drive your life with an idea, you must drive with an idea whose time may come some time. This is an idea whose time will never come, but it still drives people. It still drives most lives on the planet. That is why most lives on this planet are not lives. They’re just bunch of thoughts, emotions, ideas, prejudices. Most lives are not a reality. They’re just a psychological existence. They’re just a dream because reality happens now.

Reality happens here. In your mind only a dream can happen. Life and death will happen today. Dream is about tomorrow. It’s better to dream of something that’ll come true. Tomorrow is a dream that’ll never come true.

What you need to know about spiritual process, it’s about knowing life. You can know life only today. You can know life only now. This is the moment. I’m not trying to give you a teaching, but I said, This is the moment.” All said guru said, “This is the moment.” It’s not about that. This moment is not an idea. It is the only reality. This moment is not a teaching. It is the only living thing. It is the only living thing in the existence is right now. Nothing else. Don’t try to understand it. Don’t try to digest it. You just have to behold it, in all its entirety. Start with the rain, a good way to begin.

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