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What exactly is enlightenment? Is it a higher understanding of spiritual concepts? Is it attainable by everyone? Can one experience enlightenment through studying books? Where is the best place to start the path towards enlightenment, and do you have to isolate yourself for years in order to experience it?

Some say it is achieved by those who meditate the most. Others claim that spiritual pilgrimages can get you there. Then there are those who believe that it can be done only with the help of a master who has himself achieved enlightenment, that you won’t ever be able to get there yourself.

Sadhguru brings the lofty ideas regarding enlightenment down to earth. Based on where you are right now, he points out a surprisingly simple method that, if relentlessly applied, can lead you straight to enlightenment.

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment, Yoga and Meditation

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