
On this crisp November afternoon, there was a mega tremor of excitement in San Francisco’s San Mateo Event Center in anticipation of all that the participants had been preparing for – the Inner Engineering Program with Sadhguru himself! Unable to wait until the next afternoon, close to 600 participants checked on Friday day with one elderly participant expressing their excitement saying, “I won’t be able to sleep tonight!”

With over 3,400 people, this was the largest Inner Engineering program thus far in North America. Many travelled from all across the globe from countries including Australia, Brazil, Sweden, Morocco, Singapore, Ireland, Japan, France, and more.

The participants roared thunderously as Sadhguru entered the hall as he said, “We don’t know why you are here but we can make the best of the weekend,” and that if you don’t mess with yourself you will be ecstatic. Explaining that our problem is because the California Movie industry is always showing humans battling with alien creatures! We are not battling any great galactic forces, we are battling our own self.

He recounted his experience 37 years ago where every cell of his body was bursting in ecstasy and that he had made a plan at that time to make 5.6 billion people blissful. Here, he shares, I am going only 3,500 at a time! The audience laughed and applauded to which he responded, “Don’t applaud at my failure. Will you make me a failure this weekend?”

Sadhguru continued by asking how long will it take till you are willing to say 100% yes to life? Asking “I know you are in the technology valley but have you found a more sophisticated technology than this (pointing to himself as a human being)?” He ensured there was a resounding YES! from every corner of the hall.

On one particular occasion when Sadhguru sensed that people at the back were not responding enthusiastically, he asked them what was up. One person responded loudly — “We cannot see you!” Sadhguru immediately made the last four rows come forward and sit on either side of him. After which, the audience broke into an applause.

The exchange between Sadhguru and participants was not just in words, it was a roaring romance filled with love, joy, and reverence. He pushed the boundaries of logic, philosophies, and ideologies and urged everyone to look at life fresh. With a twinkle in his eyes, Sadhguru teased them about human idiosyncrasies and the participants burst out laughing spontaneously.

The powerful initiation of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya swept the hall and everyone swayed with a meditative bliss. As the program drew to a close, each and every participants’ heart was longing for more! These two days marked the beginning of a journey that began with the transmission of a powerful process which has touched and transformed lives of millions of people. Sadhguru concluded by promising the participants: “You must do everything that you can do, what you cannot do I will step in.”



Sharings & Experiences:

“I want to enhance my mental and physical capabilities and be like Sadhguru. And I came early here so that I can see Sadhguru up close.” – Jordan G.

“This is one of the best steps that I have taken in my life. Sadhguru helped me at the weakest times of my life. I could feel the change in myself. The Shambhavi practice has left me feeling utterly blissful. Nothing bothers me anymore and I hope I can share my joy with everyone around me!” – Michelle Turner

“If someone told me this would change my life, I wouldn’t believe it because I’m an engineer myself and so steeped in logic. The program fundamentally changes you and makes you aware of your capabilities. People think that I’m perpetually happy because I am happy perpetually and I have Sadhguru to thank for.” – Alison M.

“Since I started with the Inner Engineering Online course, it has been truly empowering. I always had this deep yearning to live my fullest potential. Till now I always thought it was to make more money or be socially significant and be significant in the material realm. When I got initiated, it gave me a sense of fulfillment and joy that can never be articulated. For the first time, I feel equipped to deal with life situations. Life is never perfection, but there is a sense of equanimity and balance when dealing with challenges. Living without drama has been very profound for me.” – Michael Chulloy


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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment, Yoga and Meditation
  1. Dasya Reply
    Om Namah Shivaya, Sadhguru is One of the Realised Beings on Mother Earth. I love and respect his Being and his teachings. He made it possible through the new technologie of internet and facebook, Youtube, to receive gracefully answers and insight to life questions and spiritual Sadhana. Om Guru Saddhguru Om
  2. Pratiyush rana Reply
    Liberation from the physical, free to explore the non-physical. Unshackled from our mind and body, we rise to the occasion of what humanity is supposed to be. Thank you so much Sahdguru
  3. Marcella Stock Reply
    Good morning dear Sadhguru. Please come to Ft. Lauderdale, FL and teach us the inner engineering program. I volunteer now for any help your organization may need to make this happen. Blessings

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