
It was a crisp Saturday afternoon on September 17, 2016. There were a lot of birds flying in the sky over the Back Bay Events Center in downtown Boston. Many Boston residents and visitors eagerly awaited this day’s venue at the Center.

There were several signs outside the event center: “Sadhguru’s talk is sold out – No tickets available”. Over a thousand people, young, middle-aged and elderly, were gathering to hear him speak.

The ‘Sounds of Isha’ welcomed the crowd with their melodious music. Max Kennedy introduced Sadhguru to the audience.

Sadhguru started the talk with “Why this book“. He spoke about his enlightenment, and how it made him realize what ecstasy is, and how every human is capable of achieving this if given the right tools. He stated, “My aim of this book is to help make joy your constant companion.” The book “Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s guide to Joy” is written by Sadhguru for this purpose. In his clear pristine voice Sadhguru said “Happiness cannot come from the outside; happiness is inside, and hence one has to turn inwards.”

The audience was spellbound and asked several questions about how to accomplish this in their lives. Sadhguru explained about the programs he has created and how they can cultivate the body, mind and energy in order to experience inner joy.

The ‘Sounds of Isha’ were back in action at the conclusion as the audience began to disperse. Many of the participants did not leave until they purchased a copy of Sadhguru’s book. It was a spectacular evening, filled with joy and happiness. Many Bostonians are eagerly awaiting Sadhguru’s next visit.

Experiences & Expressions from the Event Attendees:

“You know, Sadhguru kept saying that you are lucky to be alive. I thought that many times today, and it made me happy.” —a 7 year old boy

“My experience with this talk was just transformational. I have just finished the Inner Engineering program, so everything Sadhguru spoke about tonight, I recognized. He just brings me joy.”

“It was beautiful from beginning to end. It was very powerful, very moving. I love the way Sadhguru speaks, it’s very universal. Everything tonight had a joyful flow. I’m so happy that I could be here!”

“Really enjoyed watching Sadhguru ‘live’ for the first time. I have been following him for the last four or five years, and I felt his energy and joy spreading through the entire room as he shared with us all. I am so happy, I got his new book, I feel sure that it will change my life.”



Dr. Doolittle, co-director of the Yale program for Medicine, Spirituality, and Religion conversed with Sadhguru on September 16, 2016 at Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Doolittle spoke with Sadhguru about physician burnout, coping with stress and bringing meaning and joy to work. Sadhguru’s statements brought clarity and promise to the efforts to resolve these issues.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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