
Life is filled with relationships. From the moment we are born to the moment we die we are in relationship with all kinds of people from blood relatives, friends and lovers  to co-workers and  casual acquaintances; from very intimate to very casual.  With so much practice you would think that we would be well equipped to  handle all aspects of our relationships easily, but instead it seems that many, if not most of us continue to struggle both within the relationship but even more so when we try to end it; especially if it has been an intimate or a long term relationship.

Divorce rates in the US have been steadily climbing since the turn of the century.  Today it seems to be the person is has not gone through a divorce is the odd man out.  So the social stigma that divorce carried even just 50 years ago has all but disappeared and yet there is often much pain and suffering for both parties involved.  We have support groups and family counselors readily available for guidance and solace but still, deep pain and loss seem unavoidable.

Why is it that relationships are often so hard to get over?  We keep reliving certain moments long after they are past.  Even when a break up is mutually agreeable there is pain, both psychological pain and also sometimes even physical pain.  Why is it so hard to let a relationship go?

How often do we let our experience of a relationship become ugly,  hanging on and hanging on, treating each other poorly and causing misery for ourselves and those around us and yet we stay.  Building a case on blaming the “other” before we finally make a change.

Within our lifetime we go through the ending of many relationships either by choice or because of death or accident or just in the process of moving on in life. What is the best way to go through this for our greatest wellbeing?  Is there some other way to go through a divorce or a break up without all the suffering?

Sadhguru offers insight on the nature of relationships and why dissolving or breaking them seems so hard to do, regardless of whether it is happening voluntary, involuntary or accidentally how can we handle this process gracefully and what is needed for our greatest well being as we move forward.

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POSTED IN:Relationships

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