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Recently Isha Kriya, a simple and powerful meditation created by Sadhguru, was offered to 130 students at Drexel University in Philadelphia. The effect one sitting of this meditation had on the students is profound and goes to show that these young minds can be trusted to recognize when something is presented to them that is in alignment with life itself. Take a seat in the classroom and see what transpired…

We are here to take a peek at Drexel University campus on this day, when a special event is happening. A lucky group of 130 students from the Biomedical Department are going to receive a simple but very powerful tool called Isha Kriya, a 12–to–18 minute meditation. Professor Fred Allen is addressing freshmen students just two weeks into their new college career, telling them the importance of Yoga and meditation as great tools for a stress-free student life, tools that he wishes had been accessible to him as a student.

Students are doing a five-minute Upa Yoga neck practice before settling down for meditation. There is rapt attention and focus. No cell phones are going off. No one is distracted. The meditation begins and the students learn this powerful tool, which can be practiced anytime and anywhere. As the session ends, they are filling out feedback forms, where they are asked to describe their experience of the meditation.

Let us turn the mike over to the students and hear in their own words their experience of going through the Isha Kriya meditation:

“I think the program is very useful and unique. I feel a sense of calmness and peace. During the meditation, I felt my senses come more alive. After the meditation, I feel more relaxed physically, and mentally alert. My mind feels empty.”

“I appreciated how easy it was to follow along during the practices. I felt very at ease and I felt that all my stress and anxiety was lifted off my shoulders.”

”Calm. My mind was more controlled after.”

“Very interesting. I felt as though the world’s troubles were very far away.”

“This experience was very calming. When I closed my eyes it was as if the people around me disappeared.”

“I think that the program is something that can be very useful in the fast, stressful lives of college students.”

Isn’t it heartening to see the youth, the future of this world, speaking such language? These kids’ lives will be richer for having known this.

Recently, a research study was done to find out the benefits of Isha Kriya. The following blog has the details of that study. It shows the amazing impact that just a single sitting of Isha Kriya can have. What the students experienced here at Drexel is in line with the results of this study. Something clearly touched their inner core. Let’s hope all students have access to these tools of wellbeing soon.

Read more about the Research Findings on Isha Kriya! 

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment, Yoga and Meditation

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