
Have trouble recalling information when you need it, only to remember it hours later? This is a feeling we’re all familiar with. In fact, whether you are a student, a working professional, or a retired senior, you’ve most likely experienced a memory lapse at some point in time. Memory lapses can often be embarrassing (forgetting an acquaintance’s name) and frustrating (looking for car keys right before running out of the house). At other times, however, they can have a much more serious impact on your ability to perform well in school, at work, or even when carrying out day-to-day activities.

If you’re looking to improve your memory, there’s good news: it is possible for you to give your memory a boost. Before looking into how you can improve your memory, you need to understand what it is and how it functions. According to WebMD, memory is the “ability to normally recall the facts and events of our lives.” While most people associate memory simply with the process of recollecting information, it actually includes three stages. The first stage of memory, according to WebMD, is encoding, which involves taking information in. The second stage is consolidation, wherein the brain processes the information you’ve taken in and stores it in a certain part of the brain. The third and final stage is retrieval, which takes place when you recall the information stored in your brain. Stress, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and metabolic diseases can often disrupt this process of memory creation, storage, and retrieval.

People often ask Sadhguru how they can improve their memory and concentration. Below, we’ve shared an excerpt from one of Sadhguru’s live talks where he answers how you can improve your memory:

“Anything and everything that your five sense organs perceive is naturally recorded in your mind. you have no choice about it. Every sound, every smell, every taste, every sensation, every sight that you have perceived is there in your mind. The question is just your ability to recall it when you want it. For example, you meet someone you know well, yet when he is in front of you, you don’t recollect his name — such an awkward situation. Later on, at another moment, his name comes to your mind when it is of no use. Yes? Have you seen these things happening to you? When you need it, it does not come. When you don’t need it, it comes. That means your mind definitely has the substance, but it is just disorganized. It is disorganized simply because you are handling everything in a chaotic way.”

“When I say chaotic, the most chaotic way to live is to be anxious. Don’t be anxious to be focused. Learn to relax into life. If you develop a love for what you are doing, you will see that you will naturally grasp everything that you need to grasp. Rather than trying to concentrate on your study or work, if you see the usefulness of what you are doing, if you enjoy what you are doing, you will see that grasping things will come naturally to you. Everybody has the capability. When you try to concentrate forcefully, you will miss the most obvious things. When you are in anxiety, you have your car keys in your hand, yet you search for them all over the house. Has it happened to you?”

“The moment you create anxiety, there is chaos in the mind. If you go to a library with a million books piled up in one heap, can you find what you want? But if everything is catalogued and kept in the organized way that it should be kept, you can probably go blindfolded and find the book that you want. This organization is needed for your mind. Chaos has come to your mind only because of anxiety. You are anxious and you cannot help it because right now, your happiness is dependent upon what will happen in your life today. If you are happy, if you are a joyous person, there is no anxiety for you because you know that no matter what happens today, you are still going to be the same within yourself. Then, it is only your concern for the external which makes you do work. You are not trying to make your life through that.”

“So if anxiety has to go, first of all you need to learn how to be a peaceful and joyful human being by your own nature and not because of something outside of you. When you are like this, your mind is a beautiful instrument; it is a great friend of yours.”

Keeping Sadhguru’s wise words in mind will help you improve your concentration and memory and bring organization into your life.


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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment
  1. Thankyouyoga.com Reply
    Memory as a matter of fact, is non perishable. Every things stays there. Denying access is wrongly phrased as poor memory. It is poor access.
  2. Sandra Larson Reply
    That's so true!
  3. waybe Reply
    Really thought-provoking, as usual.
  4. Augusta Bogdan Reply
    That is true ,but the memory can you keep good also in many forms or relaxation ,can be ,to make love ,to kiss ,to take a massage for relaxation or to see other places from the world what you never have been seen ,can be to write something beautiful or to work with your hands ,can be to pray God and to ask everything to help you ,can be through meditation and yoga can be through qi qong ,can be when you go more outside to live in the fresh air to walk normal and to think what beautiful is the spring ,or what beautiful is the nature in the summer time ,in the autumn or in the winter ,not to stay all the day in the house or all day to work and to have not any time free for eating or for sleeping or for walking or for praying >that can be also when you eat good foods for your brain and use a healthy life than the all electronic things ,phones ,computers or sattelite dishes >i am very sure if the people turn back to the nature and to have more contacts with the nature will be much better ,when they will have more money and freedom in their life with good water ,clean places and good foods on the time ,good sleep on the time ,they will have the best mind to keep everything but in the world is a dissorder of the life people ,the life foods ,the life water ,the life clean or fresh foods .Every sport or meditation is helpful and very good and much more love for Jesus and people .Jesus is giver of Light ,peace and love to the people .That is why Jesus loves Sadhguru !:-)
  5. Anupama Reply
    What about advance dementia. Is there no hope for such folks What does Sadhguru suggest. Dementia fills can't sometime remember what they ate 5minutes ago How can they do any kriya or yoga Can you please suggest Namaskaram
  6. Michael Andrew Reply
    Really It's gives me great pleasure i am watching many videos from last 10 years In fact I though my both son's what is life now they are very much aware , its give some beautification to my hole lifetime .I am aware every movement of my life , that makes me to understand what i am doing good or bad i will decide every movement , No word Jaggi vasudev ji I am completely changed , its all within me , people should know but what to do unfortunately people are busy , until they hit the hospital bed they will not realise the Important of humanity, & value

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