
Whether through material possessions, sensory pleasures, or strong inner experiences, the focus has long been to improve the quality of your life. You may enhance yourself by wearing nice clothes, going to the gym, purchasing the latest gadget, or getting an education. You may feel that these things may allow you to live a better life. All these things, especially getting an education, will allow you to empower yourself. All these things are wonderful, but they are only scratching the surface of what it means to live a better life.

Commercial and societal forces imply that if you wish to improve the quality of your life, you must focus on doing so through external means. While it is good to enhance yourself in these ways, it’s still a limited way to improve the quality of your life. Let’s see what Sadhguru has to say on how to empower yourself.

Sadhguru: “As there is an outer technology, there in as an inner technology or Inner Engineering. Everything that life is, is naturally happening to a certain law. If you know what the nature of life within you is, you can completely take charge of the way it happens. If you completely take charge of the way your life happens, would you let any unpleasantness happen to you?

Unpleasantness is happening to you in the form of anger, fear, anxiety and stress, because your basis functions – your body, your mind, your emotions and your life energies – are doing their own thing as if they don’t belong to you. Your mind and body are here to serve are here to serve the life within you. But right now, the life within you is enslaved to your mind and body. This is a complete distortion of the way life should function.

It does not matter who you are. Life does not work for you unless you do the right things. Existence is not judgmental. You area a good person, so even if you don’t water the tree, will it grow? You are a bad person, if you take care of the tree, won’t it grow? Good, bad, all these judgments are essentially human and socially conditioned. Every society has its own idea of what is good and bad, but existence is treating all of us the same way. Whoever is receptive right now gets the bounty of life. The whole aspect of yoga is to make yourself receptive.

If your experience of life transcends the limitations of the physical, you become available to grace. Suddenly, you function like magic. Other people may think you are magic but you know you are just beginning to become receptive to a different dimension of life. This possibility is wide open to everybody. When it comes to outside realities, all of us are differently capable. What you can do, someone else cannot do, what someone else can do, you cannot do. But when it comes to inner possibilities, every human being is equally capable. You are not any less capable than a Buddha or a Jesus or anybody for that matter. All of us, the same inner capabilities – unfortunately never explored, never accessed.

As there is a technology to create outer wellbeing, there is a whole technology to create inner wellbeing. If you explore this, only if you explore this, you can make yourself the way you want yourself to be. You can determine the nature of your experience and your ultimate destiny.”

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment
  1. Srinivas Vangari Reply
    This is a very compelling introduction. Thanks for nice explanation. However, most of the ancient yoga knowledge needs modern explanation bridging with modern science to avoid itself becoming another belief system. For example simple pranayama needs concincing argument on how it benefits at the cellular level before a layman wants to commit to it beyond normal breathing.
  2. Ankita Reply
    Article does not tell how to empower or steps to create beautiful life.
    • Inner Engineering Reply
      Please see Sadhguru's last paragraph of the blog: "As there is a technology to create outer wellbeing, there is a whole technology to create inner wellbeing. If you explore this, only if you explore this, you can make yourself the way you want yourself to be. You can determine the nature of your experience and your ultimate destiny." The technology that he is referring to is Inner Engineering Online.
  3. Mahesh KC Reply
    Hi, If all the intention is pure, why is there such a high cost on training ? Isn't it contradictory ? Best Regards Mahesh
    • Inner Engineering Reply
      Hi Mahesh, Thank you for your question. Please see below Sadhguru's response to your question.

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